State Street Corp.

Company Information and Profile of State Street Corp.
A major American corporation. The following profile and background facts about State Street Corp. provides company and business information for research and general interest including business address and telephone details, business industry, company description, slogan, State Street Corp. mission statement and or Vision statement and whether State Street Corp. appears in the Fortune 500 company listing - all useful business information.

Name of Organization: State Street Corp.

State Street Corp. Company Address: 1 Lincoln St., Boston, MA 02111

State Street Corp. Telephone Number: 617-786-3000

Company Description
As a top company in the Financial Services industry State Street Corp. specialize in Investment services and management.

Business Industry - Financial Services
The general business activity and principal products or commercial enterprise of State Street Corp. are categorized as being part of the Financial Services Industry.

State Street Corp. Slogan
A slogan is a short, memorable catch phrase, tagline or motto used to to identify a product or company in advertisements. The advertising slogan, or business slogan most associated with State Street Corp., is:

"Passionate about our client's success."

State Street Corp. Mission Statement and/or Vision Statement
Mission Statements and Vision Statements are written for customers and employees of corporations. A Mission Statement can be defined as a sentence or short paragraph written by a company or business which reflects its core purpose, identity, values and principle business aims. The definition for a Vision Statement is a sentence or short paragraph providing a broad, aspirational image of the future.

State Street Corp. Mission Statement:

"State Street is the world's leading provider of financial services to institutional investors. Our broad and integrated range of services spans the entire investment spectrum, including research, investment management, trading services and investment servicing."

State Street Corp., a Top Fortune 500 Company

State Street Corp. appears in the 2008 Fortune 500 company listing. Every year Fortune the American business magazine compiles, ranks and publishes a list of the top 500 U.S. public corporations based on their gross revenue. The Top Fortune 500 Company list provides Fortune magazine readers with facts and information about the top companies and their contributions to the American economy. Companies eligible for inclusion in the Top Fortune 500 Company list are are those incorporated in the United States and whose revenues are publicly available.

Company Statements & Slogans Index

Useful Definitions about a company such as State Street Corp.
Useful definitions related to a company, like State Street Corp., businesses and corporations - all useful business information. A company is a form of business organization in which ownership is established through the issue of shares. A corporation, termed as a limited company in the UK (Ltd.), are legal entities separate from the persons that form it. A company or corporation is recognized by the law to have rights and responsibilities like actual people. The names of companies are the names by which corporations are identified, such as State Street Corp.. The word "company" may refer to a partnership or to a sole proprietorship so the names of many business corporations end with "Ltd.","Inc." or "Plc" reflecting the Limited Liability if companies or businesses fail, in which case neither the shareholders nor the employees are held liable for debts. Public companies are listed on the Stock Exchange and their shares are available for the public to invest in.

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